Okay, so it's actually called the Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival (OFFF), and this photo of a llama was not taken there, but rather at a farm-ette outside Corvallis, en route to OFFF.
Nevertheless, we did get there, and it was all the fabulous, fibery fun I've come to expect. First of all, the Clackamas County Fairgrounds setting is wonderful. There are freshly-planted flowers by the entrance, big trees, and several pleasant, people-friendly buildings where most of the vendors are.
However, the overwhelming impression I came away with was vendors, booths, fibers, and eager fiber consumers, everywhere you looked.
Sometimes, it felt like being in a kaleidoscope, (or maybe just staring at the top of a hat made from previous years' rovings purchases spun into yarn!)
And then, every few feet: another big pile o' pretty, calling your name.
A nice break from the explosion of color and people were "the animals...who made it possible." This is a sweet "Blue-Faced Leicester" ewe. The animals' faces only get "blue," when they are ready to breed. I will make no comment on the fact that I was told that the boys were currently ready for love, and rarin' to go, but the girls wouldn't be ready for another month or so!
And, finally, a post-festival visual of our modest haul.
Go to OFFF next year, if you can. http://www.flockandfiberfestival.com/ If you can't, go to another fiber festival near you. If you like fiber, you'll like a fiber festival!
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